Airfield Operations Specialist, Airport Operations Agent, Airport Operations Coordinator, Airport Operations Officer, Airport Operations Specialist, Flight Follower, Operations Agent, Operations Coordinator, Operations Officer, Operations Specialist
Ensure the safe takeoff and landing of commercial and military aircraft. Duties include coordination between air-traffic control and maintenance personnel, dispatching, using airfield landing and navigational aids, implementing airfield safety procedures, monitoring and maintaining flight records, and applying knowledge of weather information.
- Inspect airfield conditions to ensure compliance with federal regulatory requirements.
- Implement airfield safety procedures to ensure a safe operating environment for personnel and aircraft operation.
- Conduct inspections of the airport property and perimeter to maintain controlled access to airfields.
- Assist in responding to aircraft and medical emergencies.
- Initiate or conduct airport-wide coordination of snow removal on runways and taxiways.
- 积极倾听--全神贯注地倾听别人的发言,花时间理解别人的观点,酌情提问,不在不适当的时候打断别人的发言。
- 监测--监测/评估自己、其他个人或组织的绩效,以做出改进或采取纠正措施。
- 协调 - 根据他人的行动调整自己的行动。
- 批判性思维 - 使用逻辑和推理来确定其他解决方案、结论或解决问题方法的优缺点。
- 阅读理解 - 理解工作相关文件中的书面句子和段落。